Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Inspiring People

hello. has been calmer and more.. thoughtful today. maybe that's why I want to write? Or maybe.. because there's so many things to tell today.

Yes, today is a journey. Both inside and outside journey. I've seen much. I've felt much. So many emotional things. 

Insecurity. That's what I felt this morning. I thought, I hate myself. Then I saw those two siblings in the church. I knew them. They are the two sisters which looks so much alike that I cannot even differ them both. They are.. confident. Confident enough to make me see, that look is nothing more important than everything inside, than how you think and behave. That the most important thing in one's self is what you do, not how you look. See, how those two siblings had changed my thought and mood so much, even when they didn't do anything. They just stayed on their spot, and keep being awesome. Keep being themselves. 

Maybe you can do it too. When you have enough confidence, and enough strength, and enough in everything needed to inspire people, you will inspire people. Even when you only standing still somewhere. Even when you're dead.

And how I wish I could be like that. *_*

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