Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Weird. Why do I love them so much?

Have.. emm.. a kind of big fondness of orphan stories.. Truly! To name them, first is Oliver Twist. Then Nobody's Boy (book), then.. Bothcan, and this last one, Hugo.

Why? Me myself don't know well. Can't describe myself. But always, touched by those stories. The integrity they have, the unwanted fate they have to face, the courage and bravery, the feelings they bring, and also the setting--Paris, Europe, those early 1900's ages, vintage things, great European buildings, the dress and the way they behave--always, and never ever failed to catch my eyes! I wonder if someone else is agree with me.

I just watched Hugo, a lil bit too late maybe, but... It was awesome. A little boy is brought to a situation where his father died, left him alone with his, unfortunately, drunken uncle. But thank God, through his uncle, he can live within a place where he can do what he like--fixing, tinkering, doing machines--in a wall to run the clocks, like what he and his father always did. And like all of these orphan stories I've ever known, he comes into a great adventure where at last, he found a family, biologically or not, and have a truly happy endings. It is so heart-touching where all the bravery and integrity he spent now gave him such immeasurable prize. The price is so paid! For me, it is always wonderful.

Oliver Twist, is also a good movie. I wonder if the actor is the same person... Ah, it's Asa Butterfield. It scares me that I always love the act of these young boys, Asa Butterfield, Jeremy Sumpter, Barney Clark, whoaaaa it really scares me! It's not a pathology, isn't it? -___- But of course, not that kind of love! I have admiration for those children who are cute and handsome, but always succeed to bring such sharp sight and innocent face at the same time. They are cool!

About the book, Nobody's Boy is still my favorite book. Botchan too, I haven't read it but now I know it is the kind of book I want to read. Maybe...

Hellow. Jangan Dibaca, Nggak Penting.

Hey. Long time no write. (?) Apa kabar temans? Yah, sebenarnya aku hampir tidak punya teman ya di blogger ini. Cuma say hi aja buat yang baca.. Haiiii! Alay banget ya. Iya alay. Ha-ha.

Banyak banget yang kualamin belakangan ini. Mulai dari kuliah, UTS, stressnya jadwal yang sempat padat, lupa makan, pencerahan, kegalauan, dan lain sebagainya. Lumayan banyak berubah. Tapi, belum semua.

UTS kemarin apa kabar? Wonderful. Setiap kali ada dosen yang tanya di kelas, bagaimana UTSnya, responku selalu sama: 'wonderful'. Iya, wonderful, karena aku yang rempong ini kewalahan menghadapi UTS, yang berbarengan dengan memuncaknya frekuensi rapat panitia, juga latihan taekwondo sampai malam, yang dipersering demi ujian hari di hari minggunya. Alhasil, stress meningkat, tidur nggak teratur, makan sering lupa, dan... kamar persis seperti kapal pecah. Berantakan, terabaikan, tak lagi terurus. Halah.

Tapi sekarang, sudah mulai kembali ke kehidupan 'normal'. Bisa nulis blog, bisa buka internet, bisa sewa novel dan baca-baca di akhir minggu, bisa mulai jadi rajin lagi dan bisa bersih-bersih kamar, makan 4 kali sehari, dan diet gagal.

Yang belum, nunggu nilai habis UTS. Banyak yang mesti kuevaluasi dari UTS kemarin, tapi lagi-lagi, aku nggak terlalu ingat soal-soalnya dan perasaan apa yang timbul kemarin saat belajar UTS. Penyesalan apa yang muncul kemarin saat mulai membaca soal. Nanti deh, tunggu hasilnya dibagikan. Eh, dibagikan nggak ya? Hyah.

Ah ya, sekarang sedang berharap ada yang mengajakku jalan ke luar. Kalau punya pacar sih gampang, nah ini nggak. Punya teman juga nggak (?). Pingin ke amplas, pingin nonton, pingin shopping, pingin beli buku, pingin makan Jco, pingin beli BreadTalk, pingin... apa lagi ya? Pingin jalan deh pokoknya! Teman yang biasa bareng pada pulkam semua ke daerahnya, lah aku, mesti nunggu tiket gratis dulu kalau mau pulang cuma 3 hari. -___-

Kenapa nggak punya temen? Punya sih, punya. Tapi... Yah, begitulah. Aku juga nggak ngerti. Mungkin emang akunya yang susah ya kalau bergaul. -___- sedihnya.

Yah, sudahlah, cukuplah curhat alay ini (yang penting nggak galau). Aku mau beralih ke kegiatan lain yang lebih berguna (apa?). Nggak tau juga, yang penting udahan. HAHAHA! DADAH!